Sunday, January 11, 2015

Week 6: Leadership

For the group assignment there are two important positions to be filled: Team leader, and editor. I think the leadership role would have been very interesting, but I have not put my hand up for this role for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, there is a time commitment to fulfilling leadership duties properly. I think a being good leader requires a sustained effort, regularly taking stock of where the project is up to. The leader should make sure the team is on an even keel. This is not to say that they should "micro-manage" the team members-- if someone is getting on with their task then let them!

Secondly, Cara is already doing a great job of steering our team into the starting box, and I'm sure she'll do just as good of a job when we formalise this role. I have instead opted to be the team's editor. An intensive effort at the end of the project seems more like my style!


  1. I agree with what you say about the leader role, it dose require more attention and I would think a little more stressful with the little challenges that can arise. Hence why I didn't even think of putting my hand up for the role. In saying that Cara has done a great job keeping the boat a float.

  2. Initially I thought you would be a great leader, Ian, as you were the one who was really onto it from the minute you, Max and I became a group. You set up the Google drive and everything, so I was planning on nominating you to be leader! Of course, I never had any intentions of being leader myself seeing as I had never been a leader before for a group report like this. But, I'm glad I took the role on (a year ago I wouldn't have!) and I've learnt a lot from it. I also enjoyed it.
    As for editor, you did an absolutely fantastic job which we all know was also a huge task!

  3. I will keep the trend going with the comments here,i too,thought that you would make a good leader.I do admit that this had something to do with your age,your level of life experience to be more exact.However,as editor i think you have completed the best task for your abilities!
