Sunday, December 21, 2014

Week 5: Group assignment time!

Assignment 1 is now complete, and it's time for assignment 2, the group report.

As mentioned previously, last year I completed a Diploma in Software Development. One of the final assignments for this was a writing a report as a group project, so fortunately I am somewhat prepared for what comes next.

The "diploma" report was longer than the one we will be doing (it was more of a business solution proposal really), but the work was spread over a much larger team.

I expect assignment 2, with a group of only 4 or 5 people, will have a more intense workload for all involved -- nowhere for a slack team-member to hide! Secondly it should be easier for the team leader to coordinate the work. In the larger team of 12 people it was necessary to split off into smaller groups that were self-governed while completing their assigned task.

Fortunately our team was sorted out quite early on. They've been a supportive and communicative bunch during the "assignment 1" weeks, and I have every expectation that we'll do a great job on assignment 2.


  1. As we discussed in our emails I thought we did a really good job. Communication was good (for all of us except one), our effort as a team was good and finished of with your editing skills, it looked great. However as our ethics section was not up to parr ( I certainly didn't realise how important it was). Hopefully our marks are better this time around. Then again I'm happy with a pass.

  2. We've all mentioned this before, and we can't say it enough: Our team was organised and ready to go from the start (after some team member changes) and we never fell behind regardless of obstacles! It was really good that we communicated so much before assignment 2 even started, because by the time we had to start we already felt like we knew each other well enough. I think this is part of why I team has worked so well together with regards to working as one, conflicts etc!

  3. The organisation of our team was most notably due to our attentiveness. We focused on the tasks,and had desire to complete the work.We all wanted to finish and get on with our work,not dwindle or waste time,so i feel our communication was appropriate for our level of commitment to the course.
